
Cigars & Drinks: Perfect Pairings

Elegant Cuban cigar and drink pairing in luxury Vancouver setting

Cigars and beverages share a unique bond that elevates the smoking experience to new heights. Particularly, Cuban cigars, with their rich, complex flavors and aromatic profiles, pair beautifully with a variety of drinks. In this guide, we’ll explore the art of pairing your cherished Cuban cigar with the perfect beverage, whether you’re relaxing at home or enjoying an evening with friends.

The Art of Pairing

Pairing cigars with drinks is an art form that enhances the flavors and aromas of both. The key is to match the strength and flavor profile of the cigar with a complementary drink to create a harmonious experience. Here are some of the best pairings for your Cuban cigar:

1. Cuban Cigars and Rum

  • Harmony in Origins: Both originating from the Caribbean, Cuban cigars and rum share a natural affinity. The sweet, molasses-like flavors of aged rum can complement the deep, earthy notes of a Cuban cigar, creating a well-rounded experience.
  • Suggested Pairing: Enjoy a Cohiba Siglo VI with a glass of aged dark rum, neat or with a single ice cube. The rum’s sweetness will highlight the cigar’s robust tobacco flavors.

2. Cigars and Single Malt Scotch

  • Complexity Meets Depth: The peaty, complex character of single malt Scotch whisky makes it an excellent partner for Cuban cigars. The smoky notes of the Scotch can enhance the cigar’s richness.
  • Suggested Pairing: Pair a Partagás Serie D No. 4 with a peaty Islay single malt. The intense flavors of both will intertwine, offering an unforgettable smoking and drinking experience.

3. Cigars with Coffee

  • Morning Ritual or After-Dinner Delight: A strong, freshly brewed coffee or espresso can be a cigar lover’s delight, especially when paired with a medium-bodied Cuban cigar. The coffee’s bitterness can cut through the cigar’s sweetness, balancing each puff.
  • Suggested Pairing: Try a Montecristo No. 2 with a robust espresso. The coffee’s acidity and the cigar’s nutty, chocolate notes will enhance each other beautifully.

4. Cigars and Cognac

  • Elegance in Every Sip: The rich, fruity, and sometimes spicy flavors of cognac can complement the complexity of a Cuban cigar. This pairing is perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life.
  • Suggested Pairing: A Romeo y Julieta Churchill, with its balanced and aromatic profile, pairs wonderfully with a smooth, aged cognac. The combination brings forward a spectrum of flavors, from sweet to spicy.

5. Cigars and Craft Beer

  • A Casual Yet Sophisticated Pairing: The craft beer movement has introduced a variety of flavors that can pair excellently with cigars. A stout or porter, with its chocolate and coffee notes, can match the depth of a full-bodied cigar.
  • Suggested Pairing: Enjoy a Bolivar Royal Corona with a rich, dark stout. The beer’s creaminess and the cigar’s earthy tones will offer a satisfying contrast.


Pairing Cuban cigars with the right drink can transform your smoking experience into an exploration of flavors and aromas. Whether you prefer the sweetness of rum, the complexity of Scotch, the richness of coffee, the elegance of cognac, or the diversity of craft beer, there’s a pairing that will suit your taste and elevate your cigar moment.

Remember, the best pairings are often discovered through experimentation, so don’t be afraid to try different combinations. Visit Alpha Tobacco’s Cuban Cigar Collection to find your perfect cigar and start exploring the exquisite world of cigar and drink pairings today.

Happy smoking and cheers to finding your perfect match!

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